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SiberiaSiberia can be originally divided into two zones: Western Siberia and Eastern Siberia. Western Siberia - Tyumen Region, Altai, Kemerovo Region. Eastern Siberia - Taimyr District, Tunguska Areas, Yakutia, Transbaikalia, Irkutsk Region и Republic of Buryatia.

Lake BaikalLake Baikal - is a lake in Eastern Siberia, the maximum depth is more than 1600 metres, the length of Lake Baikal is 636 km, the width is from 25 to 80 km. There is the Olkhon island near the northwest shore of lake Baikal. Olkhon is the heart of ancient stories and historical legendaries.

We recommend:
Irkutsk Travel Agencies
Baikal Tourist Centres
Irkutsk Hotels

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Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region

Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region

Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region Settlements / Settlements of Irkutsk Region / 5 августа 2009

Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region The Bratsky district executive committee of Irkutsk Region was firstly mentioned in documents of twenties as the Bratsky Volost Executive Committee of the Workers and Peasants Deputies Council. The last zoning of Siberian Krai was carried out in October of 1925 by the Resolution of All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK0 of the USSR of May 25, 1925. Official birthdate of the Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region is considered to be June 28, 1925).

The Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region in 1926 was a taiga skirt of East-Siberian Krai and a permanent place for deportations which area was about 30 000 km2 and population was about 20 000 inhabitants. There wasn’t either small- scale or large-scale industry (except for artisan workshop) at that time. 25% population was illiterate. There were 5 reading rooms, 33 propaganda rooms which were called "Krasny Ugolok", a library, 2 portable projectors and a wired-radio outlet. 1170 types of newspapers and 690 types of magazines were taken in.

Climate of the district is strongly continental, winter is long and dry and summer is short. The Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region has extensive forest, mineral water resources and agricultural lands and the following considerable reserves of raw materials: the Krasnoyarovskoe deposit – iron; the Bratskoe - carbon raw materials and construction materials; the Anebinskoe – loams; the Uchastok Bratsky – ceramsite; the Morgudonskoe – sandstones; the Uchasnok №7 – dolerite; the Ostrov Zui – sand and 4 deposits of sand-and gravel materials. The Padunskoe and Turmanskoe(gabbro-diabase), Shamanskoe (sandstone), Burninskoe (sand), Osinovskoe (clays) and Kultukskoe (aleurite) deposits are ready for development but not used.

The Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region is a forest district. The territory of the district belongs to the subzone of southern taiga. Pine and larch trees predominate. Total timber volume is 380 mln m3 (4% of the region volume) of which the volume of timber of rotation age is 238 mln m3 (64% of total tiber volume). Periodic yield is 4.8 mln m3. Forests of the Bratsky District belong to 4 fire danger class, because of significant areas of saplings and middle-age coniferous forests and proximity of first group forests to near-shore zone of the Bratsk Reservoir.

Natural plant and soil potential is below the average level of the region, so crop and potato yield is also below the average level of the region. Agro-climatic potential limits opportunities for sustainable crop production. Commercial fish stocks are high and estimated at 13 100 centners per year.

The Bratsky District of Irkutsk has relatively favorable geographical setting because of the centre of the District, Bratsk, one of the largest industrial cities with a well-developed infrastructure. There is a branching network of automobile roads and railroads.

Total area of the Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region is 3302436 hectares, including:
Agricultural lands are 130878 hectares; (of which land redistribution fund is 13690 hectares ;)
Settlement lands are 7966 hectares; (of which urban settlement lands are 1610 hectares)
Industry, transport, communications, power engineering and defence lands are 175109 hectares; (of which industry lands are 2252 hectares)
Forestry fund lands are 2535480 hectares;
Water fund lands are 429919 hectares;
Reserve lands are 23084 hectares.

There are 24 rural administrations which contain 58 settlements (villages, urban-type settlements) with population of 37 500 inhabitants and a town municipal administration - Vikhorevka town with population of 24 6oo inhabitants (39,6% of total district population) on the territory of the Bratsky District. There are 7 rural administrations containing 13 settlements on the far shore territory. The most distant settlements from the centre of the district are Karakhunskoe, Priboininskoe, Tynkobskoe rural settlements, the distance from them to the centre with regard to ferry crossing is more than 200 km.

Total population of the Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region is 62 130 inhabitants as of 01.01.2008 составляла 62 130 человек. Population density is 1,9 person per 1 m2.

Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region Map of Irkutsk Region
Bratsky District of Irkutsk Region For more details in English, please, add comments and we'll try to answer as soon as possible.

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Other Settlements in Eastern Siberia and Irkutsk region:

  • Nukutsky District of Irkutsk Region Settlements of Irkutsk Region
  • Kazachinsko-Lensky District of Irkutsk Region Settlements of Irkutsk Region
  • Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region Settlements of Irkutsk Region

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