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SiberiaSiberia can be originally divided into two zones: Western Siberia and Eastern Siberia. Western Siberia - Tyumen Region, Altai, Kemerovo Region. Eastern Siberia - Taimyr District, Tunguska Areas, Yakutia, Transbaikalia, Irkutsk Region и Republic of Buryatia.

Lake BaikalLake Baikal - is a lake in Eastern Siberia, the maximum depth is more than 1600 metres, the length of Lake Baikal is 636 km, the width is from 25 to 80 km. There is the Olkhon island near the northwest shore of lake Baikal. Olkhon is the heart of ancient stories and historical legendaries.

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Irkutsk Travel Agencies
Baikal Tourist Centres
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Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region

Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region

Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region Settlements / Settlements of Irkutsk Region / 5 августа 2009

Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region was established in 1925 and consisted of 19 Selsoviets (local councils). At the present time the territory of the Zalarinsky District is divided into 15 internal municipal units: 13 rural administrations and 2 semi-rural administrations. There are all 70 settlements in the Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region, which average population is 284 inhabitants.

The Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region is located at the south-western part of Irkutsk Region and takes up 7 600 square kilometers or 1 % of Irkutsk Region.

The Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region has favorable geographical location, the Trans-Siberian Railway and the road Krasnoyarsk – Irkutsk pass through the territory of the District. The distance from Zalari settlement to Irkutsk , the regional centre is 202 km by motor road and 195 km by railroad.

The Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Regionborders: in the north-west on the Ziminsky District of Irkutsk Region, in the north-east on the Nukutsky District of Irkutsk Region and the Alarsky District of Irkutsk Region, in the south on the Cheremkhovsky District of Irkutsk Region.

Total population of the Zalarinsky District is 35 067 inhabitants, as of 1.01.2004, of which 19811 inhabitants are working population and 15 200 inhabitants live at urban-type settlements. Rural administration includes 2 urban-type settlements, Zalari and Tyret.

The territory of the Zalarinsky District is included in a continuous band of agricultural reclamation; it promotes the development of agriculture in the industry of the District.

Forest raw material resources of the Zalarinsky District are 72.7 mln m3, coniferous forests are 85.2 %. There are only first and second-group forests (I group –51.9%, II group-48.1%). in the Zalarinsky District. First and second-group forests are mostly represented by forests of nut-producing zones (58.45%), protection forests (30.2%) which are mostly erosional-preventive. Basic species of wood are Siberian pine (59.5%) and pine (18.9%). Grand average annual growth is 714.1 thousand meters. Grand average age of first- group softwoods is 162 years; average age of second group softwoods is 66 years.

Major areas of forest complex development of the Zalarinsky District are restoration and protection of forests, harmonious exploitation of periodic yield, increasing of investments, modernization of enterprises, increasing use of minor forest products - pine nuts, mushrooms, berries, drug and technical raw materials, pine needle, slash.

Most of the territory of the Zalarinsky District including Zalari and Tyret settlements is located at a zone of substandard underground waters. As a result of it, the population of rural and urban-type settlements has to use underground waters of low quality (high salinity, hardness, high iron, manganese, strontium content and etc.).

Comprehensive solution to the drinking water supply problem of the Zalarinsky District can be the construction of water-supply line on the base of the Tagninsky groundwater deposit. After putting into operation of this water-supply line the problem of providing the Zalarinsky District inhabitants with qualitative drinking water would be solved.

Total area of the Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region is 759.8 thousand hectares, 1% of tatal area of Irkutsk Region.

68.8 % of the territory of the Zalarinsky District is covered by forests, 17.8% by agricultural lands (of which 13.8 % are plough lands), 5.4 % by bogs and 0.7 % by water bodies. 7.1 % of the district area is covered by unproductive lands.

Hydrothermal climatic parameters allow growing spring wheat of good baking quality. Areas under crops in the Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region are 32.3 thousand hectares.

Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region Map of Irkutsk Region
Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region For more details in English, please, add comments and we'll try to answer as soon as possible.

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Other Settlements in Eastern Siberia and Irkutsk region:

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  • Kazachinsko-Lensky District of Irkutsk Region Settlements of Irkutsk Region
  • Balagansky District of Irkutsk Region Settlements of Irkutsk Region

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