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SiberiaSiberia can be originally divided into two zones: Western Siberia and Eastern Siberia. Western Siberia - Tyumen Region, Altai, Kemerovo Region. Eastern Siberia - Taimyr District, Tunguska Areas, Yakutia, Transbaikalia, Irkutsk Region и Republic of Buryatia.

Lake BaikalLake Baikal - is a lake in Eastern Siberia, the maximum depth is more than 1600 metres, the length of Lake Baikal is 636 km, the width is from 25 to 80 km. There is the Olkhon island near the northwest shore of lake Baikal. Olkhon is the heart of ancient stories and historical legendaries.

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Alarsky District of Irkutsk region

Alarsky District of Irkutsk region

Alarsky District of Irkutsk region Settlements / Settlements of Irkutsk Region / 5 августа 2009

Alarsky District of Irkutsk region Alarsky District of Irkutsk region was found in 1922 year. The Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Region was formed on the basis of the Aginsky Aimak according to the resolution of the Presidium of VTsIK (All-Russian Central Executive Committee) in 1922, January 9th. The District was 85 years in 2007 from the date of the foundation.

Municipal District, the Alarsky District of Irkutsk region, is located in the south part of Irkutsk region. To the south, the territory is bordered by the Cheremkhovo District of Irkutsk region, to the north-west, by the Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk region , to the north, by the Nukutsky District of Irkutsk region and to the east along Angara river bank, by the Bohansky District of Irkutsk region.

The territory of the Alarsky District is 2 700 square km. Standard residential population is more 25 800 inhabitants. As of 2008, January 1st .

The Alarsky District consists of 17 municipal rural administrations, on their territory there are 73 settlements.

The center of the Aginsky Aimak from its foundation was Omulevka village. At the present time, from 1928 year, the administrative center of Alarsky District of Irkutsk region is Kutulik settlement which is one of the oldest settlements of Priangarie. It was founded in the one-third of 18 century as a post house on the Moscow Tract. Kutulik settlement is located 250 km from federal district center, Ust-Ordynsky settlement, and 180 km from Irkutsk. Population of Kultuk settlement is 5600 inhabitants.

A double-track railway line of The East Siberian Railway with the length of 30 km runs across the Alarsky District of Irkutsk region. The points of cargo departure and arrival are Kutulik – Zabitui – Golovinka. There is the railway siding in Kutulik settlement.

Stretch of the road network including the federal-aid highway Krasnoyarsk-Irkutsk (31 km) is 768 km.

Climate is strongly continental. According to geomorphological zoning the territory of the Alarsky District is located on the Irkutsk - Cheremhovo plain of the Pre-Sayan foredeep. Sag-and-swell relief forms are dominated on the territory. Soils vary from relief forms. Peaks and ridges are covered by sod-podzolic, light gray and grey forest soils. Bottoms of valleys and ravines, foot of slopes are covered by meadow chernozem and chernozem soils.

According to hydrological zoning the Alarsky District of Irkutsk region is included in the Angaro-Predsayan forest-steppe dry zone with snow and rain feed of rivers. The river network is weakly developed; there are mostly lakes and brooks. The biggest lake which length is more than 6,5 km, is located in Alyaty settlement, this is the biggest lake in the Ust-Orda Buryat Okrug too. Commercial fish is Alyaty crucian carp.

Ground waters have hydrocarbonate and sulfate salification with mineralization about 1 g/l. Main source of surface and subterranean water recharge is atmospheric precipitates. There are mineral water springs and also springs with small hydrogen sulfide content.

According to geobotanical zoning of Irkutsk region the territory of the Alarsky District belongs to the Olkhon-Priangarsky pine forest-steppe zone. Forest-steppe zone is very specific and represents interchange of big steppe and mixed forest pieces. Forests are mainly birch mixed with pine, aspen and more rarely Siberian larch.

Main parent rock materials on the territory of the Alarsky District are weathering and reprecipitation products of jurassic, cambrian and quarternary rocks. These rocks are represented by yellow-gray poorly consolidated quartz -feldspar sandstones and coal clays. Bonds, deposits of dolomites and other minerals are widely spread on the territory of the district. Of special note are coal deposits.

it is recognized that there are a lot of beautiful wildlands in the Alarsky District which are the basis of tourism, culture and recreation development at tourist centres guest houses, pensionates and health resorts. Flora and fauna is rich and various. There are roe deers, foxes, hares, badgers.
In northern taiga regions and piedmont of the Sayan Mountains you can see some of wolf packs, bears, wolverines. Rich and multivarious landscape is attractive for different species of birds: cranes, herons, woodgrouses, ducks, seagulls and others.

Alarsky District of Irkutsk region is a multinational. 70 % of population are Russians; 22% - Buryats, 3% - Tatars, 2% - Ukrainians, 2% - Belorussians and 1% - others.

There a lot of famous and talented people born in the Alarsky District : Peotr Pavlovich Batorov (1851-1927), an ethnographer, folklore specialist, honorary member of East-Siberian Division of Russian Geographical Society; Mihei Nikolaevich Erbanov (1889-1934), a revolutionary, chairman of Council of People's Commissars of Buryatia; professor Martyn Galsanovich Abahaev (1906-1982), a leading scientist, one of the series of brilliant constructors of space-system engineering; associate professor Matvei Nikolaevich Melheev (1906-1982), the head of the subdepartment of physical geography, the dean of the Geographic Department at the Irkutsk State University; professor Aleksandr Badmaevich Soktoev (1931-1998), DLitt., a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation and others.

The Agalarsky District of Irkutsk region got worldwide fame thanks to a famous playwriter, Aleksandr Balentinovich Vampilov who was born and raised at Kutulik settlement. One of the streets, library and museum was named for him.

Pinery 2.2 hectare in area was saved at the initiative and suit of Peotr Pavlovich Batorov and was named after him. Almost all forest of the stow is manmade. Batorov himself with the aid of the local community planted pines at the end of 19th century- beginning of 20th century. There are a lot of other shrubs and trees: fir, birch, quaking aspen, bird cherry, alder trees, brier, ledum.

There are also a lot of medical plants, herbs, moss, lichen some of those are red-listed. Kumis (mare’s milk) medical Center was also found at the initiative of Peotr Pavlovich Batorov in 1922. Purest air of pinery is very soothing for poor responder, gives an energy boost, and cures. All woodland disengages huge amount of oxygen.

Main industry of economy of the District is agriculture that priorities are crop and livestock sectors. Agricultural enterprises of the Alarsky District are in an area of risk farming. Natural fertility provides crop yield of 11-13 centner/ha per unit.

Agriculture plays a key role in food supply of the district. All population of the district is fully supplied with grain, potato, vegetables, meat, milk which is produced by local agricultural commodity producer, peasant farm enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.

Cultural institutions of the Alarsky District take an active part in forming historical and cultural identity of local population and in developing culture. There are Buryat, Tatar, Slavic national centers. In 2007 social organization “Local Buryat National Cultural Autonomy” based on the Buryat center was opened in association with regional government department “Center for preservation and development of Buryat ethnos and culture”.

Creative potential of citizens noteworthily increased. In particular, children's amateur folk groups took part in the interdistrict children's activity festival “Ring of Friendship” and amateur talent groups of the district took part in the theatrical performance competition within the framework of the district festival “Sur-Harban” last year. Folk groups, Buryat folk singers took part in the festival “Day Buryat Culture” in Angarsk, turned in a good performance of the regional competition “Rural Beauty” and others.

Alarsky District of Irkutsk region Map of Irkutsk Region
Alarsky District of Irkutsk region For more details in English, please, add comments and we'll try to answer as soon as possible.

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Other Settlements in Eastern Siberia and Irkutsk region:

  • Nukutsky District of Irkutsk Region Settlements of Irkutsk Region
  • Kazachinsko-Lensky District of Irkutsk Region Settlements of Irkutsk Region
  • Zalarinsky District of Irkutsk Region Settlements of Irkutsk Region

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